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1Ren  GP#, Yang Y#, He XD, Li GS, Gao Y, Huang ZP, Ma C, Wang W*, Xiao W*2017Habitat  evaluation and conservation framework of the newly discovered and critically  endagered black snub-nosed monkey. Biological Conservation209:273-279
2刘硕然,和晓阳,杨文书,任国鹏,李延鹏,周俊,蔡庆华,肖文*2017滇西北高山微水体空间分布格局及研究意义初探. 水生态学杂志38(1):18-23
3Huang  ZP,Bian K, Liu Y, Pan RL, Qi XG, Li BG*2017Male  dispersal pattern in Golden Snub-nosed Monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellana)in  Qinling Mountains and its conservation implication. Scientific  Reports,Published online 2017 May 11. doi:   10.1038/srep46217
4Ma  C, Fan PF, Zhang ZY, Li JH, Shi XC, Xiao W*2017Diet  and feeding behavior of a group of 42 Phayre's langurs in a seasonal habitat  in Mt. Gaoligong, Yunnan, China. American Journal of Primatology  DOI:10.1002/ajp.22695
5张淑霞,吴慧琳,周俊,高颖,蒋鋆,肖文*2017洱海湖滨带冬季水鸟的水质指示作用. 湖泊科学:29(4):804-810
6代陆娇,李延鹏,费汉榄,李继红,黄志旁,肖文*2017黑白仰鼻猴对植物群落结构影响的初步研究. 大理大学学报. 6(2):68-72
7Huang  ZP#,Scott MB#, Li YP,Ren GP, Xiang ZF, Cui LW*, Xiao W*2017Black-and-white  snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) feeding behavior in a degraded forest  fragment: clues to a stressed population. Primates doi:  10.1007/s10329-017-0618-7
8Zhang  GM, Zhu AX*, Huang ZP, Ren GP, Qin CZ, Xiao W*
Validity  of historical volunteered geographic information: Evaluating citizen data for  mapping historical geographic phenomena. Transacions in GIS.doi:  10.1111/tgis.12300
9Zhang GM, Zhu AX*, Huang ZP*, Xiao W*
2017A heuristic-based approach to mitigating positional errors in patrol data for species distribution modeling. Transacions in GIS.doi: 10.1111/tgis.12303
10Fornacca  D, Ren G,Xiao W*2017Performance  of three MODIS Fire Products(MCD45A1, MCD64A1, MCD14ML),and ESA Fire_CCI in a  Mountain Area of Northwest Yunnan, China, Characterized by frequent small  fires.Remote sensing:9,1131,doi:10.3390/rs9111131
12苏美菊, 李德品,宋志勇,忠永次林,曹明2017白马雪山自然保护区北段冬春季节人为活动变化研究.林业调查规划,42(2):43-47