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The 2nd Eastern-Himalaya Forum

6th Asian Primates Symposium &

5th Asian (Indochinese) Primates Conservation Symposium

Theme: Diversification and conservation of Primates at the relaying point between East and South Asia

19-23,October 2018, Dali University and Yunlong National Parks

Yunnan is well known for its rich and unique natural environment. Despite most of its area is located north of the Tropic of Cancer, the ‘everlasting spring’ climate and the influence of the southwest monsoon abet ideal conditions for the survival of primates. Among all the regions in Asia characterized by a similar latitudinal range, Northwest Yunnan hosts the highest diversity of primates, including several rare and endemic species. The recently described Rhinopithecus strykeri and Hoolock tianxing were discovered in the Three Parallel Rivers region of northwest Yunnan, a UNESCO World Heritage site and outstanding biodiversity hotspot lying within the Hengduan mountains complex. It is generally believed that this region is the historical birthplace of Ericaceae, Phasianidae, Asian colobines primates. In addition to currently living primates, the natural habitats of Yunnan were home to several ancient primates, as testified by the fossil evidence of Lufengpithecus and Yuanmou man. Thanks to its geographical location, Yunnan forms a migration corridor (dispersed route) between the Indochinese peninsula and South Asia. Unfortunately, cross-border wildlife trade is also using this route, from Southeast Asia passing through Guangxi, Yunnan and northeast India. These pressing and delicate issues are seizing an increasing attention from researchers and conservationists from all over the world. There is great hope that the scientific community, together with policy makers and involved stakeholders, consistently acknowledge the importance of this region and its biodiversity. By sharing efforts and building a solid and favorable communication environment, we can find efficient solutions to the problems that primates are facing and could be confronted in the future.

Tentative schedule

19 Oct. (Friday): Registration, and sightseeing in Dali City and Dali University;

20 Oct. (Saturday): Opening ceremony, Plenary lecture, special lectures, oral presentation, poster presentation, and welcome reception;

21 Oct. (Sunday): Plenary lecture, special lectures, oral presentation;

22 Oct. (Monday): Excursion at Yunlong National Park;

23 Oct. (Tuesday): Back to Dali University, and foreign participants back to home countries.

Venue: Dali University and Yunlong National Park.

Excursion: limited number at 100 persons.


Host and Co-host

Dali University;

YunnanYunlong National Nature Reserve;

Chinese Primatological Society;

Primate Institute of Kyoto University;

National Primate Research Center of Thailand-Chulalongkorn University;

Vietnam Primate Conservation Program;

Scientific Bureau of Dali Prefecture.

International Organizing Committee 

Bambang Suryobroto (Indonesia); Baoguo Li (China); Chengming Huang (China); Chewwang Norbu (Bhutan); Jinhua Li (China); Jiqi Lu (China); Michael Gumert (Singapore); Michael Huffman (Japan); Ming Li (China); Mukesh Chalise (Nepal); Nahallage Charmalie (Sri Lanka); Peng Zhang (China); Praveen Karanth (India); Suchinda Malaivijitnond (Thailand); Tilo Nadler (Co-chair; Vietnam); Wen Xiao (Secretary General); Xuelong Jiang (China); Yanjie Su (China); Yongcheng Long (China); Yoshi Kawamoto (Japan); Yuzuru Hamada (Co-chair; Japan).


Local Organizing Committee

Lihua Duan (Chair, Dali University); Zhipang Huang (Secretary, Dali University); Liangwei Cui (Southwest Forestry University); Huiming Xu (YunnanYunlong National Nature Reserve); Shuxia Zhang (Dali University); Guopeng Ren (Dali University); Shuoran Liu (Dali University); Yanpeng Li (Dali University); Yin Yang (Dali University); Haohan Wang (Dali University).



Registration Date and fee

Early Bird: June 30, 2018 (fee: 1,000 Yuan for regular participants; 700 for students);

Regular: September 15, 2018 (fee: 1,200 Yuan for regular participants; 840 for students);

On-site: October 22, 2018 (fee: 1,500 Yuan for regular participants; 1,000 for students);

Accompanying person: 300 Yuan;

Excursion fee: 500 Yuan.

Abstract submission

Start: June 30, 2018;

Deadline: September 15, 2018;

Abstract form: 250 words limited;

Registration form: Young Researcher Awards and General.


International Young Researcher Awards

Covering flight ticket, registration fee and accommodation (approximately 3,500 Yuan and certificate);

Criteria: Current students or young scientists (not older 35 years old); Submitted an extended abstract (2 pages; including introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion) before July 31, 2018 and evaluated by international organizing committees;

Announced by September 1, 2018.


Chinese Young researcher awards

Covering registration fee, transportation fee and accommodation (approximately 2,000 Yuan and certificate);

Criteria: Current students or young scientists (not older 35 years old); Submitted an extended abstract (2 pages; including introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion) before August 30, 2018 and evaluated by local organizing committees;

Announced by September 1, 2018.


Oral presentation and Poster presentation award (Certificate)

Gold, Silver and Bronze (for each);

Criteria: current students or young scientists (not older 35 years old).


Hotel suggestion

1) Gnosis Hotel, 2) Asia Star Hotel, 3) Dali Landscape Hotel;

Location for hotel, please visit this website: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ScG4K5qGJegNg7oBuyW8_5Xv8KNe9SeG&usp=sharing, Our University have special price in these hotels, however, there are no booking website in English, who want to book these hotel, please contact us.


Contact person

Zhipang Huang

Address: Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research, Dali University,

      2# Hongsheng road, Gucheng, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China;

Tel/Fax: +8613887242691, +86-872-2219045;

Email: huangzp@eastern-himalaya.cn.


Registration, Payment and Abstract submission Please will the following website: www.asianprimatessymposium.org/






  众所周知,云南拥有着得天独厚的自然环境。尽管云南位于北回归线以北的纬度地区,但多样的气候类型和受西南季风的影响使其非常适宜灵长类的生存。滇西北地区是亚洲北回归线以北灵长类多样性最高的区域,包括了很多的特有物种和稀有物种。最近,新描述的灵长类物种怒江金丝猴 (Rhinopithecus strykeri) 和天行长臂猿 (Hoolock tianxing) 就是在亚洲横断山脉的三江并流地区复杂多变的栖息地条件下被发现的。该地区是杜鹃花科 (Ericaceae)、雉科 (Phasianidae) 和亚洲疣猴类 (Asian colobines primates) 的分化中心。另外,与现存的灵长类相比,云南同时是远古时期灵长类的适宜生境,如禄丰古猿 (Lufengpithecus) 和元谋人 (Yuanmou)。云南与中印半岛毗邻,为灵长类在东亚与南亚间迁移的生境廊道 (扩散路径)。不幸的是,这条通道也是野生动物跨境交易 (从广西、中印半岛到印度东北) 的路径。亚洲灵长类的保护聚焦于此区域,希望灵长类研究人员和保护工作者能够互通有无,意识到本地区的重要性并积极思考所面临的问题。


  10月19日 (周五):会议报到及注册,及大理古城和大理大学观光;

  10月20日 (周六): 开幕式、大会报告、特邀报告、口头报告、墙报和欢迎晚宴;

  10月21日 (周日): 大会报告、特邀报告和口头报告;

  10月22日 (周一): 云龙天池国家公园科考,科考人数限100人,约3小时车程;

  10月23日 (周二): 返回大理 (参会人员离会)。











  Bambang Suryobroto (印度尼西亚);Chewwang Norbu (不丹);Michael Gumert (新加坡);Michael Huffman (日本);Mukesh Chalise (尼泊尔);Nahallage Charmalie (斯里兰卡);Praveen Karanth (印度);Suchinda Malaivijitnond (泰国);Tilo Nadler (联合主席,越南);Yoshi Kawamoto (日本);Yuzuru Hamada (联合主席,日本);黄乘明 (中国);蒋学龙 (中国);李  明 (中国);李保国 (中国);李进华 (中国);龙勇诚 (阿拉善SEE);路纪琪 (中国);苏彦婕 (中国);肖  文 (秘书长,中国);张  鹏 (中国)。



  段利华 (副校长、主席);黄志旁 (秘书, 大理大学);崔亮伟 (西南林业大学);徐会明 (云南云龙天池国家级自然保护区管护局);张淑霞 (大理大学);任国鹏 (大理大学);刘硕然 (大理大学);李延鹏 (大理大学);王荣兴 (大理大学);杨  寅 (大理大学);王浩瀚 (大理大学)。



  预注册:2018年6月30日前 (普通代表1000元,学生700元);

  常规注册:2018年9月15日前 (普通代表1200元,学生840元);

  现场注册:2018年10月22日前 (普通代表1500元,学生1000元);









  国际青年学者奖 (5人, 东喜玛拉雅研究院资助)

  资助范围:机票,注册费及住宿 (约3500元和证书);

  评选标准:在读学生或者青年学者 (35周岁以下),2018年7月31日前提交扩展版的摘要 (2页,包括前言,材料方法,结果和讨论),并由国际组委会评估;



  中国青年学者奖 (3-5人, 中国灵长类学会资助)

  资助范围:交通费,注册费及住宿 (约2000元和证书);

  评选标准:在读学生或者青年学者 (35周岁以下),2018年8月30日前提交扩展版的摘要 (2页,包括前言,材料方法,结果和讨论),并由本地组委会评估;



  口头报告和墙报奖 (证书)

  金奖、银奖、铜奖 (各一名);

  评选标准:在读学生或者青年学者 (35周岁以下)。



  会务组与以下酒店达成价格协议,普通单间与标准间的价格均300元以下。1) 感通花满院 (280元/间·天);2) 大理亚星大酒店 (140元/间·天);3) 兰林阁 (280元/间·天)。酒店位置请浏览该网页: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ScG4K5qGJegNg7oBuyW8_5Xv8KNe9SeG&usp=sharing (In English).



  电话/传真:13887242691 / 0872-2219045;邮编:671003;

  Email: huangzp@eastern-himalaya.cn


  会议注册、缴费和摘要提交,请登录会议主页: www.asianprimatessymposium.org/