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  1. Ren GP, Young SS, Wang L, Wang W, Long YC, Wu RD, Li JS, Zhu JG, Yu DW. 2015. Effectiveness of China's National Forest Protection Program and nature reserves. Conservation Biology, 29:1368-77. (SCI)

  2. Fan PF, Bartlett TQ, Fei HL, Ma CY, Zhang W. 2015. Understanding stable bi-female grouping in gibbons: feeding competition and reproductive success. Frontiers in Zoology, 12:1-14. (SCI)

  3. Zhu AX, Zhang GM, Wang W, Xiao W, Huang ZP, Dunzhu GS, Ren GP, Qin CZ, Yang L, Pei T. 2015. A citizen data-based approach to predictive mapping of spatial variation of natural phenomena. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29:1864-86. (SCI)

  4. Fei HL, Ma CY, Bartlett TQ, Dai R, Xiao W, Fan PF. 2015. Feeding Postures of Cao Vit Gibbons (Nomascus nasutus) Living in a Low-Canopy Karst Forest. International Journal of Primatology, 36:1036-54. (SCI)

  5. Ma C, Luo ZH, Liu CM, Orkin JD, Xiao W, Fan PF. 2015. Population and conservation status of Indochinese gray langurs (Trachypithecus crepusculus) in the Wuliang Mountains, Jingdong, Yunnan, China. International Journal of Primatology, 36 (4): 749-763. (SCI)

  6. Shen YY, Hou W, Yang ZQ, Xiao W. 2015. Hepatitis B virus infection and genotype in asymptomatic people from 10 ethnic groups in Yunnan, China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 21(44): 12586-12592. (SCI)

  7. Li C, Zhao C, Fan PF. 2015. White-cheeked macaque (Macaca leucogenys): A new macaque species from Modog, southeastern Tibet. American journal of primatology, 77: 753-766. (SCI)

  8. 周汉宇, 史红强, 王紫娟*. 2015. 大理学院学生体质健康状况调查研究. 大理学院学报(自然科学版), 14 (6): 45-48.

  9. 罗雷, 史红强, 王紫娟*. 2015. 滇西地区大学生肺活量体重指数调查与分析. 云南民族大学学报 (自然科学版), 24 (S1): 76-79.

  10. 张武, 杨琳, 王紫娟*. 2015. 生物固氮的研究进展及发展趋势. 云南农业大学学报 (自然科学), 30 (5): 810-821.

  11. 王紫娟, 史红强*. 2015. 大理学院学生肺活量体重指数调查与分析. 新教育时代电子杂志 (教师), 20: 314.

  12. 赵俊松,李廷野,房以好,肖文*,张淑霞*. 2015. 云南大理古城3种繁殖鹭类的巢空间隔离. 四川动物, 34(3): 357-363.

  13. 张淑霞,孔德军,李连翔,夏峰. 2015. 泸沽湖及其附近竹地海湿地越冬水鸟群落组成及历史变化分析. 动物学杂志, 50(5): 686-694.

  14. 徐会明, 和育超, 张利周, 黄志旁*. 2015. 云南云龙天池自然保护区龙马山黑白仰鼻猴种群动态调查. 林业调查规划, 40(3), 57-59.